OLTARIS Documents
- OLTARIS User Manual
- NASA Technical Publication 2010-216722 - comprehensive overview of OLTARIS with equations and references, but out of date. Please see Change Log for most recent updates/references.
- OLTARIS Model References - reference information relevant to NASA Standard 7009.
- Independent Verification and Validation Report - comparisons of OLTARIS results to measurements on ISS and Shuttle. This study is old, more recent comparisons can be found on our group's website, which is listed below.
- Radiation Uncertainties for Missions Beyond LEO
External Websites
- NASA Langley Space Radiation Group (SRG) - publications produced by the SRG during the last 2 decades.
- The Space Environment Information Center (SPENVIS) - ESA website for generating space environments
- NASA Human Research Program
- Space Radiation Analysis Group (SRAG)
- NASA Space Radiation Program
- Space Weather Prediction Center
- Nowcast of Atmospheric Ionizing Radiation System (NAIRAS)
- CREME96 -- Monte Carlo simulation of SEE Sensitivity

- NASA Official: Chris Sandridge
- Website Manager: Jan Spangler
- OLTARIS Last Modified on 02/18/2025
- TARIS Version 5.01